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Warhammer Ancient Battles 2 Pdf

  1. Warhammer Ancient Battles
  2. Warhammer Historical Battles


  • 1

    Tadpole full movie torrent download. FOREWORD

    Welcome to the new Armies of Antiquity. These lists tie in with the new second

    version of Warhammer Ancient Battles. They draw on both historical sources and the

    work of the writers of existing and future Warhammer Ancient Battles supplements,

    and I would like to thank John Bianchi, Alex Buchel, Allen Curtis, Mike Evans,

    Warren Gleeson and Jeff Jonas for making their work available for use. I have also

    trawled the WAB-related web fora for good ideas.

    I would particularly like to thank Tommy Brown, Alex Buchel, Jean-Baptiste Folley,

    Tim Haslam, Yannick Meyer and Mark Muslek for their help with thrashing out the

    points system, proof reading and generally catching mistakes. Those that inevitably

    still haunt the following pages are definitely not their fault!

    Martin Gibbins


    The aim of this book is to increase the number of armies for which Warhammer

    Historical army lists are available, and at the same time to provide them in a format

    where the same points values are used across all lists, allowing out of period games on an equal footing for those who wish to indulge in them. Players should of course

    note that some out of period pairings are too extreme to give a good game, and

    opposing Gallic warbands with French Ordonnance knights and artillery, for example,

    is an experience best avoided.

    The book is not intended to replace the detailed period supplements, and anyone with

    a keen interest in a particular period is recommended to study the relevant supplement

    and use the more detailed army lists therein. These lists do not have the special

    supplement rules that can impart a particular period flavour. A number of additional

    rules are utilised, and are listed below. There are also some rules amendments for

    which there was insufficient space in the main rulebook, and in the appendix, players

    will find the rulebook errata to date collected together.

    Some lists will cover an army over a considerable period of time and others may

    focus on a specific time, possibly representing the army under its most famous

    commander, or at the peak of its success.

    Readers will note that there are no chariot era armies in the book. This self-contained

    sub-period will be the subject of a separate document.



    A 2,800 point army created from these lists will be the same approximate size as a

    2,000 point army created from a period supplement.


  • 2

    All armies should have a general, though this is not compulsory unless the army list

    specifies otherwise. This can be either a general character as listed, or a senior officer,

    who can be upgraded to make use of the Army General special rule for +50 points.

    This option can be particularly useful in games with a smaller points total.


    Unless the list specifies otherwise, any formed unit may have a leader, standard bearer

    and musician at +5 points each. However Light Infantry units that choose to skirmish

    in an engagement may not make use of their standard bearer or musician for the

    duration, should they have them. Skirmish units may only have a leader.


    Any special rule applying to the troops is written in italics, e.g. Stubborn.


    In all lists, war machines may only be taken at the rate of 1 per 1,200 points,

    regardless of the percentage points allocation for the section in which war machines

    appear, unless the list specifies a different ratio.


    Any troops listed as Allies and Mercenaries must obey the Allies and Mercenaries (Unreliable) special rule, unless the individual list states otherwise.

    Where an army is stated to be able to take allies from another list, then the allied

    contingent can include characters from that other list, including an army general if

    desired. That general has no effect on troops from the main host list.


    Some characters or troops types are indicated to be able to ride warhorses. Wherever

    this is shown, the profile of the warhorse will be as below, at a cost of 16 points

    before any modifications within the list.

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld Pts

    Warhorse 8 3 3 3 1 16


    When a character is mounted on a chariot or an elephant, both models will shoot and

    fight. For example an Egyptian Pharaoh mounted in a light chariot will have four

    shots (Pharaoh and chariot warrior, both firing twice) and four attacks (two from

    Pharaoh and two from the chariot warrior).


    The movement rates shown in troop profiles include any necessary adjustment for the

    encumbrance of their standard equipment. You will need to adjust for the

    encumbrance of any optional equipment that you add.


  • 3

    Allies and Mercenaries (Unreliable) This rule affects the start of turn.

    Many armies include troops who, for various reasons, are less reliable or committed

    to the generals cause than the majority. In most cases these will be allies whose loyalty lies with their own commanders, or they may be mercenary troops who fight

    for pay. Many a misfortune has befallen the general who didnt pay his hirelings! A player fielding Allies and Mercenaries must throw a D6 for each such unit at the

    start of his first turn. On a throw of 2-6 the unit will move and fight normally without

    further difficulty. If a 1 is thrown, the unit refuses to obey the orders of the general,

    and will not move, nor shoot except at enemies charging it. It will fight as normal to

    defend itself if attacked. On subsequent turns the roll is repeated, until a result other

    than 1 is obtained.

    Allies and Mercenaries cannot make use of the army generals leadership nor of the army battle standard. They still take panic tests if the army general dies, or if units not

    affected by the rule break and flee from combat.

    The general or other characters may sometimes be allowed by the army list to join and

    lead these troops.

    Bow (p.90) Units armed with short or composite bows can use the Massed Missiles rule as

    explained on p45.

    Mounted units armed with composite bows may shoot with them during a charge or

    counter-charge. Any unsaved wounds so caused are counted towards combat

    resolution, but do not cause the usual panic test for 25% shooting casualties.

    Mounted troops also armed with thrusting spear, kontos or lance may not shoot their

    bows while charging or countercharging, but if their unit is a Combined Formation

    with archers in the rear ranks, these may shoot using Combined Formation rule 4

    even though moving.

    Characters (page 79) Characters do not take panic tests due to having fleeing friends within 4 at the start of the move.

    Combined Units Some armies form composite units with a superior troop type at the front and inferior

    types filling out the rear ranks. The individual army list will indicate the proportions

    of the two types allowable. So long as at least half the front rank figures are of the

    superior type, the superior leadership and saving throw applies to the whole unit.

    Every second missile casualty scored on the unit removes a superior figure; in combat

    enemy troops in base contact with the superior type must fight against them, but

    surplus casualties are carried over to the other figures.

    Different Weapons This rule affects Combat.

    Some units may have figures armed with a variety of weapons. The normal rules

    apply to each weapon- so double handed axe men will hit after all other figures have

  • 4

    struck, figures armed with throwing weapons in the second rank may strike in the first

    round of combat, etc. As a result of the different weapons some figures may have

    different armour saves than others. In close combat always use the saving throw of the

    majority of the front rank, when resolving missile fire use the Saving roll of the

    majority of the figures. Usually the owner of the unit decides which figures to remove

    as casualties, but the other player may elect to make attacks against specific figures if

    he wishes.

    Eastern Shock Cavalry For much of our period, the art of mounted warfare was considerably more advanced

    outside Western Europe and cavalry were trained to perform a greater number of

    battlefield evolutions. Troops designated as Eastern Shock Cavalry therefore benefit

    from the following rules:

    1. They gain a +1 rank bonus for a complete rank after the first in combat resolution, in a turn in which they charged or counter-charged.

    2. They may Give Ground voluntarily if they win a round of combat, but do not break their enemy. They may do so even if they cause the enemy to Give


    Eastern Shock Cavalry that take barding of any sort revert to Shock Cavalry.

    Mixed Armour This rule affects combat and shooting

    In some formations, the front ranks were better equipped than the rear ones, so part of

    the unit may wear armour while the rest does not. When shot at, such a unit uses the

    saving throw of the better armoured troops, so long as at least half of the front rank is

    so equipped, while casualties are removed from the rear ranks. In combat blows are

    struck against the figure in contact with the striker, and the appropriate save used.

Download Warhammer - Ancient Battles 2.0 Free in pdf format. Account Search.COVID-19 Stats & Updates. In Warhammer Ancient Battles, we represent this howling maelstrom of action in turns, in a similar way to chess or draughts. Eacb player rakes one completeturn, then his opponent takes a turn, TIle first player then takes another turn, followed by me second player again, and so on: each player taking a turn one after the other until be battle. Welcome to the Warhammer Armies Project, the home of some of the most popular unofficial army books for Warhammer Fantasy Battles! Here you can easily find all the army books in one place, as well as information on the latest updates and new releases! Content: Da Archive MAY 1 2016 This is a compilation of the last 16 pdf share threads and the rpg generals threads. A HUGE THANK YOU to all contributors. It has been cleaned up some, labeled poorly, and shuffled about a little to perhaps be more useful.

Warhammer ancient battles 2 pdf free

Warhammer Ancient Battles

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Warhammer Historical Battles

  • 1


    Welcome to the new Armies of Antiquity. These lists tie in with the new second

    version of Warhammer Ancient Battles. They draw on both historical sources and the

    work of the writers of existing and future Warhammer Ancient Battles supplements,

    and I would like to thank John Bianchi, Alex Buchel, Allen Curtis, Mike Evans,

    Warren Gleeson and Jeff Jonas for making their work available for use. I have also

    trawled the WAB-related web fora for good ideas.

    I would particularly like to thank Tommy Brown, Alex Buchel, Jean-Baptiste Folley,

    Tim Haslam, Yannick Meyer and Mark Muslek for their help with thrashing out the

    points system, proof reading and generally catching mistakes. Those that inevitably

    still haunt the following pages are definitely not their fault!

    Martin Gibbins


    The aim of this book is to increase the number of armies for which Warhammer

    Historical army lists are available, and at the same time to provide them in a format

    where the same points values are used across all lists, allowing out of period games on an equal footing for those who wish to indulge in them. Players should of course

    note that some out of period pairings are too extreme to give a good game, and

    opposing Gallic warbands with French Ordonnance knights and artillery, for example,

    is an experience best avoided.

    The book is not intended to replace the detailed period supplements, and anyone with

    a keen interest in a particular period is recommended to study the relevant supplement

    and use the more detailed army lists therein. These lists do not have the special

    supplement rules that can impart a particular period flavour. A number of additional

    rules are utilised, and are listed below. There are also some rules amendments for

    which there was insufficient space in the main rulebook, and in the appendix, players

    will find the rulebook errata to date collected together.

    Some lists will cover an army over a considerable period of time and others may

    focus on a specific time, possibly representing the army under its most famous

    commander, or at the peak of its success.

    Readers will note that there are no chariot era armies in the book. This self-contained

    sub-period will be the subject of a separate document.



    A 2,800 point army created from these lists will be the same approximate size as a

    2,000 point army created from a period supplement.


  • 2

    All armies should have a general, though this is not compulsory unless the army list

    specifies otherwise. This can be either a general character as listed, or a senior officer,

    who can be upgraded to make use of the Army General special rule for +50 points.

    This option can be particularly useful in games with a smaller points total.


    Unless the list specifies otherwise, any formed unit may have a leader, standard bearer

    and musician at +5 points each. However Light Infantry units that choose to skirmish

    in an engagement may not make use of their standard bearer or musician for the

    duration, should they have them. Skirmish units may only have a leader.


    Any special rule applying to the troops is written in italics, e.g. Stubborn.


    In all lists, war machines may only be taken at the rate of 1 per 1,200 points,

    regardless of the percentage points allocation for the section in which war machines

    appear, unless the list specifies a different ratio.


    Any troops listed as Allies and Mercenaries must obey the Allies and Mercenaries (Unreliable) special rule, unless the individual list states otherwise.

    Where an army is stated to be able to take allies from another list, then the allied

    contingent can include characters from that other list, including an army general if

    desired. That general has no effect on troops from the main host list.


    Some characters or troops types are indicated to be able to ride warhorses. Wherever

    this is shown, the profile of the warhorse will be as below, at a cost of 16 points

    before any modifications within the list.

    Lucky queen slots. M WS BS S T W I A Ld Pts

    Warhorse 8 3 3 3 1 16


    When a character is mounted on a chariot or an elephant, both models will shoot and

    fight. For example an Egyptian Pharaoh mounted in a light chariot will have four

    shots (Pharaoh and chariot warrior, both firing twice) and four attacks (two from

    Pharaoh and two from the chariot warrior).


    The movement rates shown in troop profiles include any necessary adjustment for the

    encumbrance of their standard equipment. You will need to adjust for the

    encumbrance of any optional equipment that you add.


  • 3

    Allies and Mercenaries (Unreliable) This rule affects the start of turn.

    Many armies include troops who, for various reasons, are less reliable or committed

    to the generals cause than the majority. In most cases these will be allies whose loyalty lies with their own commanders, or they may be mercenary troops who fight

    for pay. Many a misfortune has befallen the general who didnt pay his hirelings! A player fielding Allies and Mercenaries must throw a D6 for each such unit at the

    start of his first turn. On a throw of 2-6 the unit will move and fight normally without

    further difficulty. If a 1 is thrown, the unit refuses to obey the orders of the general,

    and will not move, nor shoot except at enemies charging it. It will fight as normal to

    defend itself if attacked. On subsequent turns the roll is repeated, until a result other

    than 1 is obtained.

    Allies and Mercenaries cannot make use of the army generals leadership nor of the army battle standard. They still take panic tests if the army general dies, or if units not

    affected by the rule break and flee from combat.

    The general or other characters may sometimes be allowed by the army list to join and

    lead these troops.

    Bow (p.90) Units armed with short or composite bows can use the Massed Missiles rule as

    explained on p45.

    Mounted units armed with composite bows may shoot with them during a charge or

    counter-charge. Any unsaved wounds so caused are counted towards combat

    resolution, but do not cause the usual panic test for 25% shooting casualties.

    Mounted troops also armed with thrusting spear, kontos or lance may not shoot their

    bows while charging or countercharging, but if their unit is a Combined Formation

    with archers in the rear ranks, these may shoot using Combined Formation rule 4

    even though moving.

    Characters (page 79) Characters do not take panic tests due to having fleeing friends within 4 at the start of the move.

    Combined Units Some armies form composite units with a superior troop type at the front and inferior

    types filling out the rear ranks. The individual army list will indicate the proportions

    of the two types allowable. So long as at least half the front rank figures are of the

    superior type, the superior leadership and saving throw applies to the whole unit.

    Every second missile casualty scored on the unit removes a superior figure; in combat

    enemy troops in base contact with the superior type must fight against them, but

    surplus casualties are carried over to the other figures.

    Different Weapons This rule affects Combat.

    Some units may have figures armed with a variety of weapons. The normal rules

    apply to each weapon- so double handed axe men will hit after all other figures have

  • 4

    struck, figures armed with throwing weapons in the second rank may strike in the first

    round of combat, etc. As a result of the different weapons some figures may have

    different armour saves than others. In close combat always use the saving throw of the

    majority of the front rank, when resolving missile fire use the Saving roll of the

    majority of the figures. Usually the owner of the unit decides which figures to remove

    as casualties, but the other player may elect to make attacks against specific figures if

    he wishes.

    Eastern Shock Cavalry For much of our period, the art of mounted warfare was considerably more advanced

    outside Western Europe and cavalry were trained to perform a greater number of

    battlefield evolutions. Troops designated as Eastern Shock Cavalry therefore benefit

    from the following rules:

    1. They gain a +1 rank bonus for a complete rank after the first in combat resolution, in a turn in which they charged or counter-charged.

    2. They may Give Ground voluntarily if they win a round of combat, but do not break their enemy. They may do so even if they cause the enemy to Give


    Eastern Shock Cavalry that take barding of any sort revert to Shock Cavalry.

    Mixed Armour This rule affects combat and shooting

    In some formations, the front ranks were better equipped than the rear ones, so part of

    the unit may wear armour while the rest does not. When shot at, such a unit uses the

    saving throw of the better armoured troops, so long as at least half of the front rank is

    so equipped, while casualties are removed from the rear ranks. In combat blows are

    struck against the figure in contact with the striker, and the appropriate save used.

Warhammer Ancient Battles 2 Pdf
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